COVID 19 UPDATE: The World Health Organization published an extensive study (see linking tobacco use to increases in all of the following:

  • Severity of infection

  • Admission to Intensive Care (ICU)

  • Ventilator use

  • Death

Are you like the 93% of adult smokers who have attempted to quit, but went back within a year? (see:

Well if you are 100% committed to kicking the habit once and for all - you can finally stop for good through the power of your mind. Through my hypnosis program we will address and eradicate your old smoking habits from all angles. You will learn how to cope with all smoking triggers, including stress, alcohol, coffee and meals and what its’s like to live life as a nonsmoker.   

Smoking is related to 1 in 5 deaths in the United States. The toxins in even 1 cigarette will immediately cause damage to your most vital organs including, your heart, lungs and brain. Smoking related diseases and deaths are among the most preventable. It all starts with you making the commitment to stop. 

The benefits of quitting SMOKING AND VAPING


  • 2 months your lung function will improve. 

  • 20 mins of quitting your heart rate will drop down to normal.

  • 3 hours the carbon monoxide in your blood begins to decrease. 

  • 2 months, your risk of heart attack begins to drop drastically. 

  • 1 year, your risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a smoker and your heart keeps on getting healthier. 

the Cost of smoking and vaping

A pack-a-day habit will cost about $2,300 per year – imagine being able to spend that on a vacation or something that will bring you joy instead of disease and illness. 


